Journey into the Wildwood
After opening the space, drinking cacao and talking about the energies of this creative (and maybe a bit chaotic) time we journey to the inner enchanted forest to find rest, peace and magic!
Deutsche Kakaozeremonie
Die Reise in den Zauberwald Nach dem Öffnen der Zeremonie und dem Trink Ritual spreche ich über Die unterstützende Kraft von Kakao und wie wir mit den Energien der Mondfinsternis und des Vollmondes umgehen können, Fülle finden und mit Überwältigung umgehen. Danach geht es tief in den Zauberwald deines Herzens, lasse dich führen vom Klang meiner Stimme und dem rhythmischen Schlag der Trommel

May Task
Inner masculine and Inner feminine connection
take time to practice:
listen to the guided meditation from the cacao cocoon space and share with us what has come up for you. How does your inner man show up for your woman within? And how can your inner woman support your inner man?
Take cacao outside in nature! Connect with the earth barefoot, no matter if it is in your garden, the closest park or a woodland. Find a spot where you can sit comfortably, enjoy the sun and warmth of May. observe your surrounding, listen to the sounds around you. Birds singing, maybe children playing and even some cars passing. Or is it a river sound you hear? The wind in the leaves?
Let your eyes wander, enjoy the vibrant colours and take in the plants, flowers, trees and insects that are fully awaken from their winter hibernation. If there a plant or animal that is calling your attention? Listen closely, maybe it has a message for you.
You can give thanks to the earth by leaving and offering, a hair of yours, a sacred crystal or pour a sip of cacao on the soil to offer your gratitude before you yourself start sipping your cup.
If you are a bleeding woman, consider catching your blood in a moon cup or squeeze out your period pants with water and catch the liquid to offer it to nature or your house plants. If you have an undisturbed place in nature bleed directly on the earth. This can contribute not only to your wellbeing and deeper connection with your menstrual cycle but also the connection to nature by establishing a relationship of giving and receiving. Also it will strengthen your confidence in your physical body and its magical cycle! Cacao is a wonderful ally and will nourish your body with magnesium and iron, helping you soothe cramps and open yourself to the experience of release.

Cacao Input
Masculine and Feminine Deities associated with cacao
Cacao has been honoured as a mainly feminine spirit, however there are various ways to look at it.
I personally think we humans try to bring cacao into a form that gives us a clear image of cacao as a goddess for example. As we like to label and put things in boxes. It is often hard for us to flow inbetween and allow differences or even contradictions to co-exist.
„Cacao isn’t a thing; it is a multidimensional spirit energy whose physical manifestation is through the cacao plant. Spirit works with anyone, anywhere and cannot be told what it can or can’t do.“ – Keith, the Chocolate Shaman
We have perceived cacao as a feminine energy in the western world, however I believe this is due to growing up in a patriarchal society and the nurturing, loving, equated the creative effects of cacao with femininity.
However, I think that a man with integrated masculine and feminine parts is also nurturing, loving and creative. Also, think about the focusing effect of cacao and its ability to hold space when our emotions are running high. This is the divine masculine we long for.
And it’s time we work together.

The so called cacao goddess „IxCacao“ is very much likely a modern myth as there is no ancient reference to such a deity.
However there are various masculine and feminine deities associated with cacao:
The most frequently referenced god associated with cacao is Ek Chuah, who was the deity of merchants, travelers, warriors, and the patron and protector of cacao.
IxChel, Rainbow Goddess of Fertility, is associated with the Moon, the jaguar, rain, rabbit, snake and cacao.
Both are mayan deities and I would like to mention that the mayans were only the last known culture to have worked with and referenced cacao as a sacred plant. Before the Mayans we have various cultures and tribes from South to Mesoamerica using cacao for thousands of years. Just because these cultures are not as popular (or simply forgotten as „his“story was written by the those in power) it doesn´t mean that they didn´t have different deities and traditions.

Source: https://www.godchecker.com/maya-mythology/EK-CHUAH/
The Mexica (Aztecs) and Mayans are often romanticised as great cultures with advanced technologies – yet what we often forget is the cruel and oppressive part of their culture:
The ancient cultures of Central America had traditions of ritual warfare that honoured their gods by engaging in battles.
The Mexica had laws that only permitted the male nobility, royal household and warriors to consume Cacao. Neither women, children nor men that didn´t participate in military services were not allowed to consume Cacao.